Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nature in my backyard

This little guy was so busy. It took a lot of patience to take this picture since I really wanted him flying.

This one is from a friends backyard but butterfly bushes are so pretty I had to add it.

This guy loves our cherry tree.

Lovely, delicate 4 o'clocks.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Night Moves

Pool play

This is what our day was like before the storm hit yesterday... the next post shows the storm.

Stormy afternoon

I LOVE clouds. I have all my life. So, I counted myself lucky when I was able to capture these dramatic moments before the storm hit yesterday afternoon.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


but Momma came to the rescue. After snapping these shots of course.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

It's all about the kids

Today I have to post the newest kid shots. I know I'm a proud mom always showing off her kids, but let's face it, with those little faces who wouldn't be proud?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fireworks: Long exposure

I had to try the long exposure thing again. This time with fireworks, sparklers and a flashlight. With the kiddos as "models", here is the best from each one...

Gideon with sparkler

Fiona with sparkler

A firework of some sort

Rio with flashlight


My silly son with my camera filters. He's always good for a smile and a laugh..

Grand opening

This is the ribbon cutting ceremony for the pool John Parker and his crew installed for my mom. John and his crew have been working hard on trying to get her crazy yard under control, and they are doing a fabulous job. Before and after shots coming later. Now here is the ribbon cutting...

Parker Lawn Care - 828-287-6678 or 828-247-0117 and tell them where you saw it! They really, truly are the best.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Long Exposures

I was working on the dreaded long exposure part of a 30 day photo challenge when I discovered a possible new passion. Here's what I came up with; I'm so excited!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Silly, wet and wild afternoon

My trio and some of their friends decided not to wait for the pool to finish filling up with water....

My 4 year old

 My son playing with the hose while some of the girls sit back and watch his antics...
 My eldest is attacked by my youngest with the hose...
My daughter and her friend. They are so silly!